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M A R I N A ♥ B A R R A G E

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @ 6:18 AM

Effectiveness and conclusions about various conservation method used
An analytical method is derived to describe the distribution of water quantity saved among customers within a water-use sector who adopt a water conservation action. Analytical results tend toward lognormal distributions with long tails, quantifying a smaller subset of customers that show potential to achieve large savings. Example effectiveness distributions are shown for seven long-term conservation actions potentially implemented by urban, domestic water users in Amman, Jordan. Monte Carlo simulations verify the analytical derivations. The probabilistic outputs contrast with common methods that estimate conservation action effectiveness as a product of typical (average) characteristics for disaggregated customer groups. Implications to size water conservation programs to meet conservation objectives and target customers to adopt conservation actions are discussed.

@ 5:43 AM


Ways to conserve waterSaving water goes hand in hand with saving energy because it bringing water into your house requires energy. Not only that, but conserving water now can help prevent or lessen the impact of a drought later. And there are a number of free, simple ways to conserve water.

1 )Don’t let the water runShut the faucet off when you’re not actively using the water for anything. Soak your dishes instead of running water over them continually. Shortening your showers by one minute can save up to 1000 gallons per year. Shut off the water for the two minutes you’re brushing your teeth. Every little bit helps.

2) Don’t over waterVery few plants actually need to be watered every day. More plants are killed each year from over watering than under watering. In the wild they live just fine without interference from the human race. Pay attention to the weather. If it’s going to rain, outdoor plants don’t need to be watered. For indoor plants, you can collect rainwater and use that, or recycle the water that you use to wash your fruits and vegetables.

3)Fill ‘er upEach time you run the washer or dryer, you use a great deal of water. Aside from buying a new, energy efficient appliance (which is always a good idea) the best way to cut down on the amount of water here is to use your washer less. So only use it when you have a full load. And if you can, reuse the items a couple of times before washing them again

@ 5:12 AM

do njoy this video , to understand more on water conservation (:

@ 5:10 AM


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